Friday, September 24, 2010

Where I'm From

I am from a park in the backyard,
and my church a block south,
my best friend up the hill,
and good old Tiny Town.
I'm from gravel roads and brick sidewalks,
bare feet and bicycles.
I'm from a pop machine and the coop that keep the town rolling.

I'm from Nebraska football and Saturday night card games,
playing pitch 'til two and church in the morning.
I'm from "Bedtime for Bonzo,"
and "Good morning Sunshine."
I'm from picnics in the summer and potlucks all year round.
I'm from the oldies: Steve Miller, Three Dog Night, and The Eagles,
to Country: Brad Paisley, Tim McGraw, and Faith Hill.

I'm from thirty aunts and uncles, and over one-hundred cousins,
adults growing older, and babies by the dozen.
I'm from German food every meal, and summer's pickled beans,
homemade runzas, jelly, and pie, to keep us all spoiled.
I'm from Christmas at Grandma's, and fourth of July in my yard,
to Easter krolf games, and the endless Settlers of Catan.

I'm from Daddy's enormous hugs, and long trips to town.
From Mom's incomparable cooking, and advice for everything.
From Brooke's gymnastics lessons, and all her hand-me-down toys.
From Ryan consistently dunking on me, Sega, and Nintendo 64.
From Ashton growing two inches taller, and board games on Friday night.

I'm from Stockham, Nebraska, Kliewerville as some say.
I'm from the place I call home.


  1. I loved how your poem incompassed your entire life. You could really tell that you love your home and family. Two of my favoirte lines were "I'm from Stockham, Nebraska, Kliewerville as some say. I'm from a place I call home." Those lines just pull on the heart strings. I loved it!! :)

  2. Love it :) I could picture everything and it reminded me of all the stories you've told me! And your pics are way adorable :)

  3. Megan,

    I do love your blog and the fact it has old books on it! I love books and especially old ones. I loved so much about this poem, but here is my favorite stanza:

    I'm from thirty aunts and uncles, and over one-hundred cousins,
    adults growing older, and babies by the dozen.
    I'm from German food every meal, and summer's pickled beans,
    homemade runzas, jelly, and pie, to keep us all spoiled.
    I'm from Christmas at Grandma's, and fourth of July in my yard,
    to Easter krolf games, and the endless Settlers of Catan.

    I'm not sure what Settlers and Catan or krolf is, but it sounds intriguing! I love your references to food and your very large family. I can relate!! Wonderful!
